Sunday, February 24, 2008

Week #6: Political Advertising

What is up with advertising these days? It seems ridiculously ludacris that political campaign ads can say anything they want...but if I want to go on television and voice my displeasure with someone, I could be hit with more legal issues than Roger Clemens.

I watch my fair share of television, and I must say that I have not seen as much "mudlsinging" ads as I remember in the past. Perhaps it's because it is not down to the wire yet and candidates are only vying for delegates at this point. I really dont know much about the political realm and how it works, but the mudslinging has seemed to be at a minimum thus far.

Regarding the "Daisy" political ad we watched in class on Wednesday, is that considered the mudslinging form of advertising in 1964? Is showing a little girl picking pedals off a daisy in a field when a nuclear bomb explodes nearby too much? Did the ad help or hurt LBJ? Were more votes gained or lost because of it? To view the ad, CLICK HERE.

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